I recently received a great gift of some beautiful vintage birch plywood from my wife’s grandfather.  So to test the wood, I cut a smaller version of my elephant puzzle just for fun.  It turned out being so cute that I decided to make two of them so I could try doing a small giveaway.  So here it is.  If you want to be entered to “win” this puzzle then simply leave a comment on this post.  On Wednesday morning (October 20) I will randomly pick the winner from all those who have left a comment.  I will ship world-wide so anyone can enter if they’d like!

The puzzle is about 3.5 by 5.5 inches, and finished with food grade beeswax.

UPDATE: The contest is over. See results on the following post!

550 Responses
  1. Marjolein

    So sweet. No doubt, I'd love to win this puzzle. It's so pure, natural and basic. That's what makes it special.

  2. Cyndi, Chris and Kian

    I love your ideas – simple and easy to do (once someone has pointed them out) and my 2 year old son would love to give the elephant puzzle a home here in New Zealand.

  3. Anonymous

    So nice! It's not easy to find such things in my country (Bulgaria). It is rather the kingdom of plastic kitsch toys… so I would be happy to give one of those to my daughter. Or maybe ask my husband to try and make one in case we don't win yours. Thank you for the inspiration and the ideas – they thrill me as much as they are joyfull to the kids. You actually always manage to bring out the kid in me.

  4. Esme

    I found your blog a while ago and it has filled me with inspiration, thanks Joel! Warm wishes from the southern most tip of Africa.

  5. Ms Muffin

    Oh, I would LOVE to win this for my baby boy – whos birthday is October the 21st. :-)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Pomber

    We like your creative ideas, especially the paper aquarium. We made it! That was very funny. Thank you for this giveaway, I hope we have enough luck to win this special puzzle.

  7. Jocelyn

    Ooh, my son would looove this puzzle! I have always admired the design. I love everything you do, keep it up!

  8. Flotsam Friends

    Wow, that took a while to get to the bottom of the comments… And no wonder. These are the most beautiful things ever. My sons and I will never forget seeing the baby elephant "Luk Chai" at the zoo near us, Taronga Park, (in Sydney) when he was only months old. So perfect and walking around as though he'd been here for years, and yet so small compared with his mum and dad. Pruxxx

  9. Katie Parker

    Ooohh pick me pick me (please!)

    Love all your projects and still having fun with the paper city and it's 4 year old guardian, I think the elephants would enjoy living with us!

    Keep up the good work Joel

  10. Miss Fanchon

    I am amazed at your constant inspiration. There's always something cooking in Joel's little head. My boys would surely enjoy the puzzle but the odds will decide…

  11. vildkatten

    I would love to get your elephants and bird! I'm sure my baby would love it and it would make a great decoration in later years. You make such great things, I really admire what you do. I'm holding my thumbs for this one.

  12. kaat

    oh yeh! little late due to the time difference I guess, but I would love to try and get a 'real Joel'. Keep it up! Kaat.

  13. Melissa

    I happen to have a little boy who adores elephants! By the way, I love your blog! Thanks so much for sharing such great ideas and projects!

  14. Joel Henriques

    Wow, thanks everybody! I went outside for the morning and already 161 comments! This will be fun. Everybody has a chance, so keep them coming!

  15. christelle

    Elephant are so inspiring :) àgaetur fíl!! Til hamingju! as we say here in iceland : beautiful elephant!congratulation!

  16. Ninotchka

    Yes please I would love to go into your draw. You're going to have a fun time picking a winner from all these comments!
    notchka [at] gmail [dot] com

  17. Darcey

    The puzzle is really cute! I'd love to win it and use it with the kids I work with.Thanks for the opportunity.

  18. utbtkids

    Joel, long time lurker on your blog and a fan. Thanks for introducing this give away and for providing an opportunity to say hello.

  19. beeprint

    oh my. i have long coveted your elephant puzzles and am even considering using your design for my elephant tattoo….

  20. jeremiah's niece

    this is just awesome. (and look at you, swamped with a million comments as soon as you do a giveaway! ha! congratulations on a well-loved blog!)

  21. Henrike

    I really like this puzzle! As I've got loads of little cousins it will get played with quite often, I'm sure (they LOVE your paper-city/-people/-vehicles soooo much!).
    Love from Germany,

  22. Sylvie la Grande Bretonne

    wouahhhh !!! I would love to have one of your creations ! :o)))
    bisous from France

    Sylvie & iris

  23. Mary A

    I am so glad I was recently introduced to your blog. Now I have a chance to win this beautiful puzzle for my son. Thanks for the giveaway.

  24. jojoebi

    beautiful! it would be a perfect gift for my best friends son, who I will meet for the first time this Christmas.