I’ve made a couple of match games in the past, but now that my kids are getting a little older, I’m having to come up with slightly more difficult versions. Here is a doctor’s office theme, where you have to draw a line to connect the medical tools on the top row to their related parts of the body below. The kids really had looks of concentration on their faces, and were very proud when they finished it. Most kids recognize the objects because they see them every time they go to the doctor. Print some out and give it a try!

Also, if you work at a doctor’s office or hospital etc, feel free to use them at your work. You can even put your own logo on the page if you wish, just so long as you leave the Made by Joel info. Happy matching everyone!

Click on the image below, then print.
18 Responses
  1. oh man! This one is awesome! And look at the kids! they are really getting big. I hope they are adjusting to their new sibling well.

    1. Thanks. And yes, the kids are totally loving the new baby. They’re actually rocking her in the bouncy seat right now, singing to her. ha.

    1. How about sliding the handle of the reflex hammer under your foot to check those reflexes? Ever had that one? Reflexes are cool.

    2. polymathamy

      That sounds just miserable to my highly ticklish feet! I think my whole body would recoil from that ;)

    “Yes, Ruben.”
    “RIGHT NOW?”
    “Yes, Ruben.”

    You have such a fan in Los Angeles!

  3. what a great idea! My son wanted to know what the ABC chart was for. Here the eye charts are made of what looks like a letter C but it gets rotated and the child points to the direction that the gap is at. Does that make sense?

    1. Yes, the eye charts have letters like that, but I decided to put them in alphabetical order (for kids learning their alphabet), but they have to randomize the real eye charts of course, or people could read it even if they didn’t see well. ha.

      The rotating C chart sounds cool. I’ve never seen one of those.

  4. cati

    Thanks for sharing your amazing creations and thoughts in a so delicate and friendly way. Cheers from Italy

  5. angela

    Fantastic! I work in a History of Medicine Museum e this game is excellent, also with ancient instruments!

  6. Neeru

    “Jojoebi” is referring to Landolt C charts, which are typically used, along with Tumbling E charts, for children, or people who do not know the our alphabet. They are also useful for people who can’t speak but can point in order to indicate the direction of the opening of the “C” or tumbled “E”.
    I’ve been a fan of your projects for a while Joel, and am looking forward to your book. Since I’m in Portland too I hope to get a chance to have you sign it once it is available!