It seems like Thanksgiving decorations are so difficult to find. Most stores just move straight from Halloween to Christmas and Hanukkah. So yesterday, I decided to make a little wooden turkey decoration for our mantel.

As a child, I remember lying on my Grandparent’s living room floor and being able to pull things off the shelf that looked like decorations, but really they were toys. Domino sets in wooden boxes lined with felt, and cool wooden puzzles by Enzo Mari. With that in mind, I decided to make the wooden turkey with slots, so it can be taken apart and put back together like a puzzle.

My son has been playing with it quite a bit, and has also put it together many different ways, making some pretty entertaining turkey variations. He thinks we should paint it too. Might be a good idea! Maybe I’ll make another one to paint.


16 Responses
  1. Nancy

    Wow, I love this toy/decoration; my son would be so intrigued too! I’m an American living in Australia and my Australian family just love it when we celebrate Thanksgiving. If I could get my husband or father-in-law to figure out how to do this it would make such a great addition to the day and maybe even take-home gifts for our guests (wouldn’t they be impressed)! I was just thinking about trying to make the turkeys from wire, feathers and a spool that you showed a year or two ago as my son is at that age now where he can start to craft with me. Thanks so much for all the wonderful ideas/creations you share with us readers!

    1. Thanks Nancy! Yes, lots of people are wanting to make a simpler cardboard version or something. I’m going to experiment with it and get back to you all.

  2. I love this one. I’ve got to get a scroll saw! In the meantime, I might have to make some out of cardboard and let the boys paint the feathers. It’s a really great design. Thanks for sharing it!

  3. EB

    This is great! You could (and should!) sell these. I would buy one from you in a heartbeat. My daughter would love this turkey.

  4. Esme

    Wow! I’ve had a history of not liking Thanksgiving ( It’s because of the Pilgrims, I don’t know why but I just hate them, to bad Jamestown didn’t get a holiday, I LOVE them! ) but this toy, you’re kid’s are so lucky to have a father like you!

  5. Maxine

    Can I get the pattern for this little turkey puzzle? It is so cute and I have some small grandchildren that would love it.
    Thank you, Maxie

    1. Hey Maxine. I’ve never made a patter for this toy, but you can get a very good look at the pieces on the photo with them all laid out. You could almost print that out and use it as a pattern. You would just need to adjust the slot sizes to match the thickness of whatever wood you were using. Good luck!