I actually got to enjoy an afternoon alone this week. I decided to go look at art books and magazines. One of the shops had some empty cedar cigar boxes for a couple of dollars, so I got one to try out as a small dollhouse. I love the smell of the cedar, and it ended up looking pretty cool too. I also found a couple of vintage art books; one about abstract painting, and one on Alexander Calder. Good afternoon!

9 Responses
  1. I’ve been following your blog for over a year now and simply love all your creative ideas, Joel! :o)

    I remember the first time going out by myself after my daughter was born (I think it was doing something really boring like grocery shopping), and feeling (at first) so awkward it was hilarious. Like, “What do I do with my HANDS?”. And just being able to be silent for awhile, with a clear head….

    Cool dollhouse, by the way! :o)

  2. Mette Weber

    so cool :0) would like to copy your idea and let my kids in school make one… Is that ok with You??